Importowanie plik贸w quizu typu WebCT
Filtr WebCT jest w tej chwili w fazie rozwojowej tak wi臋c nie wszystkie opcje b臋d膮 dzia艂a膰.
Na razie tylko pytania typu "Wielokrotny wyb贸r" i "Kr贸tka odpowied慕" s膮 dost臋pne.
Oto przyk艂ady u偶ycia tych typ贸w pyta艅 w pliku tekstowym:
# Start of question: Short Answer Question :TYPE:S: :TITLE:Short Answer Question :QUESTION:H What is the name of the WebCT Learning Hub? <br /> :IMAGE:dotcomLogoc.gif :ANSWERS:1 :CASE:0 :FEEDBACK1:H Be sure to visit the Learning Hub\: :CAT:Default # End of question: Short Answer Question # Start of question: Multiple Choice Question :TYPE:MC:1:0:C :TITLE:Multiple Choice Question :FEEDBACK Darwin invented the theory of evolution and created darwinism. :QUESTION:H Where is the Darwin Research Center? :IMAGE: :LAYOUT:vertical :ANSWER1:0:H Menlo Park, California :REASON1:H Sorry! :ANSWER2:0:H Vancouver, Canada :REASON2:H Sorry! :ANSWER3:100:H Galapagos Islands, Ecuador :REASON3:H Correct Answer! :ANSWER4:0:H London, England :REASON4:H Sorry! :ANSWER5:0:H Sidney, Australia :REASON5:H Sorry! :CAT:Default # End of question: Multiple Choice Question
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Poka偶 t膮 pomoc w j臋zyku: English